1. Sea salt
82 essential trace nutrients includes vital minerals like sodium, potassiumcalciummagnesium, bromide, chloride, ironcopper, and zinc among other beneficial elements. Good for muscle cramping (Charlie horses), energy during activity, headaches, post workout recovery, waking up in the night, night sweats. Take a pinch with or without water during activity depending on how much you are exerting. Better than an electrolyte drink.

​2. Magnesium oil

Magnesium  is in every organ in the human body. It is a vital mineral for over 300 biochemical reactions that regulate our health.

Good for: Arthritis, Joint pain, muscle pain and cramps insomnia, energy, and stress. You can make magnesium oil with equal parts Epsom salt and water. Put in glass jar and shake until dissolved. Put on topically before play in areas of concern and after.

​3. Apple cider vinegar probiotics
Good for energy, acid reflux, anti-bacterial, deodorant, varicose veins, anti-fungal, lowers blood pressure, soothes sunburn. Orally, you may need to vary it depending on how much you sweat and the hotter it is, but a couple tablespoons a day in a glass of water should be enough. Topically you can keep some in about a 2 ounce glass spray bottle in your workout bag and spray when needed.

​4. Silicone cup
Similar to cupping at your Eastern Doctor, these are made from silicone and can be purchased online. Good for improving blood flow, pain, circulation. Squeeze, place, let go..They suction to your skin.

​5. Coconut oil

Good for immunity, dry skin, hair, heart, bones mental fatigue, sun protection spf10, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, bruises, energy. Use topically or ingest a tablespoon a couple times a day depending on your deficiency.

​6. Theracane
Curved plastic cane with knobs to massage your back shoulders legs​

​7. Tennis ball
When you are training and get a pain in your back, lie down with the ball underneath you and directly under the pain. Not for the spine, but for knots in the upper back and lower back and leg muscles it works great. Sit in the car driving on the ball and can help release muscle binding that can cause sciatic pain.

​8. Natural Warming cream/analgesic cream
Important to warm up any soreness and injuries to promote blood flow to the area.

9. Essential oil spray
Make your own spray with your favorite oils, witch hazel and water. Good for deodorant, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, refresher, bug repellent

Essential oil recommendations for workout: peppermint, lemongrass, lavender, frankincense, myrrh.

​10. Large towel
Obviously a big towel can do more than a small towel. Wrap your sweaty face in a large soft towel. People bring a small dried up uncomfortable towel to workout or to play a tennis match. Don’t settle. A large towel can dry both shoulders at once. Try it next time and let me know.

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