The abundance of healing foods available can make it overwhelming to figure out where to start. Many teas made from herbs, roots, bark, bugs, leaves, and flowers offer potent nutritional qualities. Rather than focusing solely on eliminating certain foods, consider adding foods to your diet to achieve balance.

It’s important to tune in to your body and assess how you feel inside and out. Take note of any discomfort, pain, or unusual symptoms, such as floaters, congestion, headaches, joint or muscle pain, and diabetes. This comprehensive picture can help identify what’s out of balance in your body, which functions as a system.

Herbs contain natural combinations of nutrients that work together in the right proportions, so it’s not necessary to focus solely on vitamins. For example, thyme is rich in vitamin C, with a higher concentration than an orange. Additionally, it’s an excellent source of vitamins K and A. Therefore, consider incorporating herbs as a daily nutritional source when looking to heal.

When setting healing goals, be specific about what you want to achieve. Do you want to lose weight, have more energy, sleep better, or experience less pain? Write down your goals. We recommend this health intake form. 

Avoid relying solely on a scale to track progress because many variables can influence weight fluctuations. Instead, choose an outfit that you love that doesn’t fit and try it on when you’re feeling “skinny” to see progress and feel motivated.

The goal of healing is to achieve balance in your body. Although the suggested daily allowance can provide guidance, it’s essential to listen to your body and its unique needs.

Although society often suggests reducing salt intake, it’s important to note that salt is a vital mineral. This is especially true for athletes, who require sea salt multiple times a day during the summer months to keep electrolytes in balance.

Consider seeking out a science-based physician who specializes in natural healing to assess your body’s needs, such as whether it’s running hot or cold, or if your blood is flowing sluggishly. Since food possesses different qualities, it’s crucial to understand what your body requires to achieve balance.

To begin your healing journey, check out the Top 10 Things You Need by clicking here! Also, remember to keep track of your health by writing down important details such as how many hours you sleep, your pain level and the time of day, how much energy you have, any digestion issues, your weight, and how well your clothes fit. Keeping a journal of these things will help you better understand your body and its needs, and allow you to track your progress as you work towards better health. Watch video here!

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