An avid athlete at 16, she started her first of six knee surgeries and embarked on 10 years of rehabilitation due to a soccer accident. Dr. Mary Devereaux is dedicated and passionate about helping others achieve physical and emotional goals beyond their expectations.

Mary received a Bachelor of Science from the University of Central Florida and obtained her Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Physician degree from the Florida College of Integrated Medicine. She furthered her education at the Pacific College of Health and Sciences in California, pursuing a doctorate in Integrated Medicine focused on acupuncture and natural science based medicine.


Despite doctors’ predictions that Mary would walk with a limp and require a total knee replacement by the age of 30, she defied expectations and took up tennis at the age of 30 instead. With a USTA rating of 4.5, she continues to work towards achieving a 5.0 rating for at least one season. Despite the majority of her meniscus being removed, she experiences no swelling or pain. She firmly believes in never giving up on one’s body and refrains from labeling any body part as “bad.” One of her favorite quotes is “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food,” attributed to Hippocrates, the founder of modern medicine. Dr. Devereaux is an expert in food qualities and how they are used in the body. 

Her concierge work is designed to provide expert health options and natural treatments throughout the year. The approach is rooted in science, focusing on individual needs by examining blood work, symptoms, and diagnosis. She addresses the root problems and seeks solutions for the symptoms.

Devereaux specializes in providing comprehensive healthcare management services, while catering specifically to the needs of individuals seeking holistic health solutions. Offering an extensive array of services designed to seamlessly coordinate and enhance the overall healthcare experience for our clients.

Dr. Devereaux is thankful for her relationship with God, which manifests itself through her interactions with patients and in her personal life.