The Use of Marijuana for Pain

The use of cannabis in Chinese medicine dates back over 1800 years, which is quite fascinating. Rather than solely focusing on whether cannabis “cures” certain conditions, a better approach may be to consider whether it can assist with healing. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, over 20 percent of the population suffers from

Why LDL’s Are Not The Bad Guy!

Understanding the root problem with cholesterol. LDL cholesterol, or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, is a fat that circulates in the blood, moving cholesterol around the body to where it is needed for cell repair and depositing it inside of artery walls. The LDL receptor is found in the liver and most other tissues.The liver releases cholesterol

How to Survive a Party!

Dr. Mary Devereaux, a renowned expert in nutrition, shares some valuable tips for guilt-free parties and morning after recovery.  Before the party, eat  or drink your nutrients whether a nutritionally dense soup or herbal blend tea. If bringing a dish, bring something with simple ingredients and nutritional value. Drinking a vegetable broth and water with