INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE CONSULTATION SERVICE IS AN EXTENSION OF YOUR CURRENT MODEL OF CARE.  The patients and practitioners’ goal are to create a whole treatment plan that integrates therapies and wellness programs to supplement your treatment plan.  Ask your health care provider about the integrative medicine consultation facilities in your area.

Integrative Medicine is used alongside with conventional medicine.  Combining modalities of treatment gives the patient a complete look at their whole body through evidence-based research. Once all the information is gathered, a complete treatment plan based on your needs is created.

Not all practices may be what you need, but knowing your options will help you find what helps you.

Integrative medicine works with every part of your body, including your mind and spirit. An example would be taking sleep aids while also understanding the cause of your waking up through the night and vivid dreams.  Or using a vasodilator to take deeper breaths while also learning diaphragmatic breathing techniques.

It is important for you to understand the modalities and the scientific base for acupuncture, Chinese medicine, meditation, herbs, complementary or alternate medicine and how these therapies can assist you with your wellness goals. Educate yourself in many publications for and against, and understand for you. Many of the modalities are thousands of years old and research today is showing an increase number of successful cases on their effectiveness. Integrative medicine should not be considered an archaic form of treatment, but one in which all aspects of body, mind and spirit are considered and nurtured.

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