When life gets hard and unfocused, I go to a memory of a painting with the beautifully intricate butterfly. This painting hung above my brother’s hospice bed. The last time I was with him, I tried not to cry or say I would miss him, but have that time to be in his presence.  Since our family of 5 kids loved to sing and perform together, I wanted to sing to him. It seemed impossible at the time and I would get choked up and break down.  As I held his hand I started looking above his bed at this painting of a butterfly.

The painting had thousands of pixels. When I focused in on these small dots, I could see one pixel. I had to focus on one pixel when I was with my brother,  and was able to give him that gift of singing to him. But when my focus shifted to another pixel, I would fall apart. That butterfly pixel has stayed with me since then. In any trial or wandering my heart goes through, I see that this one pixel is God, providing me a safe place of comfort and love. When I keep the pixel in front of my sight and everything else to the sides, I am provided for. 

There are no worries, pain, or stress when He is your pixel.

Finding your pixel, your focal point of comfort and strength is important to heal your body and soul. It anchors you during times of chaos and uncertainty. It gives you a place to return to when everything else seems overwhelming. For me, this pixel is God. Sometimes we go by faith, and then we go by knowing. When going through painful times, quiet your heart and ask for Him to be your pixel and feel his presence.

Comments (1)

  1. Aunt Rene


    I love this Mary! You always have been blessed to be able to lift people up when life sometimes feel exhausting and difficult! You have always been a shining light in my life. Thank for sharing this. I love you.

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